i’m aoife cassidy (she/they/it), a non-binary girl, a software engineer, and a member in a plural system of approximately five. you can usually find me behind some sort of computer screen, though i’m trying to fix that as of late, attempting to establish a better, more sustainable relationship with computers.

i’ve been on the internet for a bit, and have done a few things of note in various online spaces. i appreciate the good times i had, but after a few years of public semi-notoriety, i would like to be left alone. though many paths lead here, you will not find links to my presence on other websites or platforms.

i generally type in all lowercase, reserving capitalized words For Effect, and for names of folks who prefer their name capitalized conventionally. this pattern exists throughout this entire website.

i have a day job. for inquiries related to business, please do not reach out via the methods listed on this website. instead, refer to my worksona website. for everything else, however, i will be very happy to read your message.